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In her painting and installations, Beatriz Crespo uses the figurative style to approach the
inscrutability and mystery of the human condition.
She does so in a way that resembles shamanism: By letting the materials and their
relationship with the models communicate feelings that inform the final piece.
In her work nothing happens by chance. The selected color scheme, the materials, the nuances
on the these concepts.
The artist’s work has a strong presence that reaches us immediately as we enter the gallery.
At first it lures us with a first reading of what it represents at the literal level.
Later it will transport us to that mysterious and incomprehensible feeling or idea that runs
parallel to human existence.
By cutting the canvas, reducing forms to lines, overlapping drawings, letting color flow and
spread through the canvas or erasing parts of the model’s body, the artist will transform
the mundane into something magic.
The work is open to different readings, approaches and interpretations. Considering the work
as a “visual-only” reality that the bare eye can handle will ironically only allow the
viewer to be able to “see” one dimension of it.
The high level of contrast between the different parts of Beatriz Crespo’s work often lends
itself to having certain dimensions neglected, and therefore in need of a second, and more
intent, look.
It is then that the true essence of the work is revealed. We discover subtle strokes and
transparent spots that can only be appreciated under certain lighting conditions (e.g.
lighting angles). We also notice that through the use of graphite assembly paste, the artist
conquers light out of total darkness, as the minerals in the paste will reflect light in
spite of the deep blackness.The artist’s work has a strong presence that reaches us immediately as we enter the gallery.
At first it lures us with a first reading of what it represents at the literal level.
Later it will transport us to that mysterious and incomprehensible feeling or idea that runs
parallel to human existence.
By cutting the canvas, reducing forms to lines, overlapping drawings, letting color flow and
spread through the canvas or erasing parts of the model’s body, the artist will transform
the mundane into something magic.
The work is open to different readings, approaches and interpretations. Considering the work
as a “visual-only” reality that the bare eye can handle will ironically only allow the
viewer to be able to “see” one dimension of it.


Refuge Interstitial
Soul Topography
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beatriz crespo
Straße Zigrastraße 15-19
Stadt 12057 Berlin
Land Deutschland

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